Custom Home Design
With a focus on Metropolitan Sydney, Newport Homes is a specialist in Custom Home Design Solutions.
Custom Home Design Sydney
A desire to be different, or perhaps a need to create something unique to cater to your families needs, can lead to a custom home design being the ultimate solution.
Alternatively, due to local building regulations or specific site conditions that an ‘out-of-the-box’ house design does not accomodate for, a custom design will be the answer.
Whatever the motivation, Newport Homes, taking on board your desires, your ideas and your lifestyle, can create a custom solution to meet your needs today, and well into the future.
Our Custom Design Approach
The quality of a home, begins with the integrity of it’s design, therefore at Newport Homes we take the time required to listen carefully so that the end design result stays true to their requirements.
In addition, the features of the surrounding environment and build site must also be catered for with utmost importance, along with the desired accomodation requirements.
Our professional service is delivered by our staff who care first and foremost about or clients success, and are here to provide the appropriate advice and guidance. →
We invest heavily in negotiating with our suppliers and tradesmen so as to ensure that the quality of service and materials extends beyond Newport Homes, whilst ensuring costs are kept to a minimum without compromise.
We handle your project from start to finish, ensuring complete control of the project is handled by us, and the budget can be maintained.
Every home must prove to be of great value to the owners, and we stop at nothing to ensure this is the end result.